Tras haber creado mi anterior blog cecilmundo varias personas, muchos de ellos mis alumnos, me sugirieron que creara una secciòn dentro de cecilmundo para publicar mis obras de docencia de idiomas. Dado que la cantidad de documentos de explicaciones, ejercicios y exàmenes de inglès son muy numerosos porque tengo màs de 30 años del ejercicio de la docencia, preferì estrenar blog con mis alumnos a como ellos realmente merecen. En este blog planetcecil no solo iràn mis documentos didàcticos de inglès, sino tambièn la producciòn literaria de varios alumnos que se destacan en las letras. Tambièn darè oportunidad a aquellos que tienen excelentes obras pero que no han logrado publicarlas ya que en mi paìs Nicaragua todo se mueve por la marrana polìtica, y si una no pertenece a determinado partido no verà jamàs publicado su opus. Tambièn tenemos la desgracia de contar con seudoeditores quienes al no conocer verdaderamente de literatura se convierten en mercenarios de la imprenta solo para llenarse ellos mismo de dinero y fama a costillas de los escritores. Todos aquellos que deseen participar en este blog, denlo de antemano por suyo. Aunque lleve mi nombre en un arranque de egolatrìa, yo soy sencillamente vuestra servidora.Cecilia

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Las alas de la educación
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La lección de física
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domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

In Rose or in Red

August 21st,
43rd entry to the Colonel`s Scrapbook
Birthdates which occurred on August 21:
1165 Philip II Augustus 1st great Capetian king of France (1179-1223),what did he see on his wedding night to his Danish wife that he was so appalled?
1765 William IV king of England (1830-37),sailor king whose profile could have been improved
1938 Kenny Rogers singer (Lady) actor (Coward of the County)Wow, never believed this chap was so old
1982 Benigno S Aquino Jr Philippines opposition leader, killed in Manila,his widow`s tears, like those of Violeta Barrios in Nicaragua and Sirimavo Bandanaraike in Sri Lanka, took her to power
Birthdates occurred on August 22:
1862 Claude Debussy St Germain-en-Laye, composer (La Mer, Clair de lune), por guy,such a good cat lover but always enmeshed in so many scandals from the day Leo Delibes boxed his ears at the Paris Conservatory
On this day...
565 St Columba reported seeing monster in Loch Ness ,or in his mug of beer?1454 Jews are expelled from Brunn Moravia by order of King Ladislaus while proclaiming he was sooooo enlightened1485 Richard III slain at Bosworth Field-last of Plantagenets, it was about time he left this world into which he should have never steeped 1762 1st female (Ann Franklin) US newspaper editor, Newport RI, Mercury, of course, she worte better than any man 1775 King George III proclaims colonies to be in open rebellion
But his doctor has already proclaimed the king to be in open madness
Deaths which occurred on August 22:
1818 Warren Hastings 1st governor-general of India (1773-84), dies at 85 ,why did he deserve to do so much damage?1922 Michael Collins Sinn Fein leader, killed by rebels after having been too naive1978 Jomo Kenyatta president of Kenya, witch doctor and patriot, dies at 83,what a beautiful man he was!
Birthdates which occurred on August 23:
1754 Louis XVI Versailles, king of France (1774-92); guillotined after being the most useless cuckold in history
Deaths which occurred on August 23:
1926 Rodolpho Alfonzo Rafaello Pietro Filiberto Guglieimi Di Valentina D'Antonguolla (Rudolph Valentino), silent movie idol, dies in NY at 31 of appendicitis while women mourn in choir1927 Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti executed in Massachussetts,remember all aliens are thieves and criminals for USA 1960 Oscar Hammerstein II Broadway librettist, dies at 65 , thanks for creating such a distorted view of King Mongkut of Siam, no wonder they hate The King and I in Thailand


The fact that I –exactly like my dad-have been a faithful fan of Edith Piaf, the greatest romantic singer that France has ever produced, and that La Vie en Rose takes me into a state of Nirvana doesn`t mean that I am a hopeless romantic. Endless years of stuffing my skull with so much philosophy has been like a vaccine that has prevented me from getting into such ridiculous situations in the name of love, as most of my friends have made the mistake. La Vie en Rose is good fro song, but you just try to act it out in real life and I would rather recommend you flush yourself down a big toilet wearing your wedding tuxedo. I never stop marvelling at what some people can do in the name of love. Or what they define is love, because there are so many definitions that it is an easy job to get confused.
In every couple there is the kicked and the kicker. Generally the one who loves the least or doesn`t love at all is the one who scores the goals. As a rule of thumb the lover is the one fit to grovel while the other places his foot on his or her neck. Many people would rather die than admit it, but feeling the other`s heel on their nape might also be a source of pleasure. Sick? Maybe, as Annie Lennox of the Eurhythmics stated in her hit song Sweet Dreams, we ll have the wildest assortments of dreams to be fulfilled. When I stated that a few years ago in my not so short tale Taylor, I got accused of being jaded and promoting perversions. I just meant well, because I hate saying it but few authors have been diving as further into that tortuous world of dreams and secret anxieties as I did in that short story.
I know you must be picking at your eyebrows,in that tic that has become so familiar to me now, wondering what I could know about love if I have spent all my life punching Cupid. I seem to be particularly unloving sometimes, you might want to add, `particularly with a sardonic grin...Like REM mentioned in their hit Losing my Religion, that`s me in the corner. Which is something puzzling to me, why me, being in this little corner with my hat, my Makarov gun, my spoiled cats and my love for Vivaldi`s music and French perfume, can receive so many emails making reference to the things I write in this scrapbook that may be considered almost like a sighing weapon. I have never found infatuation appealing, but rather ridiculous. The things humans do when they deem themselves in love can make me want to visit a gastroenterologist. Asking someone to please talk your ex girlfriend into answering her phone after you called her a whore is beyond my comprehension. That the marriage certificate becomes a license that allows you to hurt the beloved in the most diverse ways in the shortest time possible is another thing that astounds me. Why someone who is crazy to get you in bed runs away so often from you is another. We could go on forever mentioning ridiculous,laughable,pathetic,sad and even unique cases. How someone can get kicked so many times and still come back for more is one of the greatest mysteries for me, but then again, Einstein said that one of the few certain things in life was human stupidity. He himself was rather stupid in his first marriage,to say the least, which is probably why he ended up advising not to have children because they mess your divorce even further. Some people seem to have reincarnated in this life as humans, but remember that in another previous life they were dogs and they still behave like “man`s best friend”, who undoubtedly lacks dignity because many times you brush him away and comes again to get brushed off anew.
In the name of love, we can commit so many follies. We witness crown Prince of the Habsburgs, Rudolf, going into Mayerling with his lover Marìa Vetsera to never come out alive from the fatidic bedroom where they last made love. Joan the Mad,queen of Spain, rushes through all Spain carrying the rotting corpse of her husband Philip the Handsome(I call him the Useless) because she refuses to bury the onlyman she ever loved with such a galloping passion. True, Ambrose Bierce, you had the truth by its tail when you expressed that we should keep our eyes wide open before we marry and half closed afterwards. Poor Joan didn`t remember to do that. I guess neither did you, nor I for that matter, dearest of all readers, even when love matches sound like the ultimate kick or the impossible disaster. We do the most incredible things to convince the partner how vachement mordu(expression in French that means head over heels in love,not that the cow bit you) we are when we are courting, leave webcams open to be watched while sleeping, howl love you`s that sound like Whitney Houston with her hit song from The Bodyguard, roll around in bed shamelessly naked except for a smattering of body hair that only grows like that in the Semites, lend credit cards and offer ten million dollars only if you please,superplease, or the awful chat version of plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, you can,might,could,should,probably love little me. We ask for minutes like asking for more butter, a trip to Toronto or Chechenia or Dubai, mobile numbers that never respond, or lower that a bit more so I can see you, monkey business with cat walks, and we moon in class while being tested on the order of adjectives and olympically flunk the quiz because we are in love. That is why love sounds like a virus, a disease like combining AIDS with ebola and leukemia. People don`t die of love, we both know that as survivors, people die due to their own hallucinating stupidity. But it will always sound sexier to say that the world loves a lover, perhaps because the world always needs one more joke. So perhaps the laughter we derive is what keeps us moving onward, although at the end we know it is all hopeless.

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