Tras haber creado mi anterior blog cecilmundo varias personas, muchos de ellos mis alumnos, me sugirieron que creara una secciòn dentro de cecilmundo para publicar mis obras de docencia de idiomas. Dado que la cantidad de documentos de explicaciones, ejercicios y exàmenes de inglès son muy numerosos porque tengo màs de 30 años del ejercicio de la docencia, preferì estrenar blog con mis alumnos a como ellos realmente merecen. En este blog planetcecil no solo iràn mis documentos didàcticos de inglès, sino tambièn la producciòn literaria de varios alumnos que se destacan en las letras. Tambièn darè oportunidad a aquellos que tienen excelentes obras pero que no han logrado publicarlas ya que en mi paìs Nicaragua todo se mueve por la marrana polìtica, y si una no pertenece a determinado partido no verà jamàs publicado su opus. Tambièn tenemos la desgracia de contar con seudoeditores quienes al no conocer verdaderamente de literatura se convierten en mercenarios de la imprenta solo para llenarse ellos mismo de dinero y fama a costillas de los escritores. Todos aquellos que deseen participar en este blog, denlo de antemano por suyo. Aunque lleve mi nombre en un arranque de egolatrìa, yo soy sencillamente vuestra servidora.Cecilia

Las alas de la educación

Las alas de la educación
La educación es un viaje sin final.

La lección de física

La lección de física
Casi aprendida

sábado, 27 de julio de 2013



Put true or false, if it is false explain what is wrong.

___1.In Mexico only the Aztecs lived, no other tribes were around when Hernàn Cortès was sent to conquer and he landed at Chichèn Itzà.

___2. It was in February 1519 that Hernàn Cortès came from Spain directly and he conquered Mexico immediately like Alka seltzer, without blood.

____3. Upon arrival with his horse Malintzin, Cortès fell in love with Morcillo, an indigenous nobleman and took her as mistress, and had a son with her. He baptized her as doña Marina and she was his translatress.

_____4. Hernàn Cortès`steed was a big hit with the Aztecs.he was the sweetest of the 20 horse that Cortès had with his 650 people. The plum- colored beauty was gentle and amiable, and the Aztecs gave him mushrooms, boiled chickens and chocolate.

____5. Hernàn Cortès took 8 months to travel northwestward in Mexico after landing in the southern area. Along the way he went making allies or fighting with enemies.

____6.Qutezalcoatl, or the plumed serpent god, had supposedly predicted that “ blond men inside metals will soon arrive, the must be lionized and obeyed by the Aztecs.” Thus, emperor Moctezuma II and his court received the conqueror with feathers, gold, chocolate and jewels. Hernàn Cortès was fascinated by the exotic feathers.

____7. 12 omens were present ten years before the Spaniards arrived: among them was lighting on Moctezuma II`s feet, a pregnant woman running scared at midnight screaming at the Aztecs to abandon Tenochtitlàn, a two-headed man eating nirds who were fighting,vultures dropping bombs upon a temple,blood seen in Lake Taxcoco, tacos being eaten by a dragon and fire sweeping across the ocean.

____8.The Aztecs were polytheists, practiced human sacrifice by taking the brain out of the victim and having it eaten by the priest.

____9. Hernàn Cortès ensconced himself in Tenochtitlàn as an imposed guest until he made himself unwelcome when his men made a massacre at a temple and the populace rioted, driving him out of the city on the Noche Alegre. Cortès and his men returned 1 year later and conquered the empire on Nov. 8th 1519 and on August 13th 1521 Cortès had himself crowned as Aztec emperor wearing red feathers.

____10.In 1535 the Spanish crown finally deigned to admit New Spain(Mexico) as part of the kingdom, adding insult to injury after they had sacked Mexico.

_____11. When Cortès finally returned to conquer Tenochtitlàn after the blunder of massacring people in 1520, he came along in 1521 with a coalition of Tlaxcaltec warriors.

____12.Cortès was fond of human sacrifices.

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