Tras haber creado mi anterior blog cecilmundo varias personas, muchos de ellos mis alumnos, me sugirieron que creara una secciòn dentro de cecilmundo para publicar mis obras de docencia de idiomas. Dado que la cantidad de documentos de explicaciones, ejercicios y exàmenes de inglès son muy numerosos porque tengo màs de 30 años del ejercicio de la docencia, preferì estrenar blog con mis alumnos a como ellos realmente merecen. En este blog planetcecil no solo iràn mis documentos didàcticos de inglès, sino tambièn la producciòn literaria de varios alumnos que se destacan en las letras. Tambièn darè oportunidad a aquellos que tienen excelentes obras pero que no han logrado publicarlas ya que en mi paìs Nicaragua todo se mueve por la marrana polìtica, y si una no pertenece a determinado partido no verà jamàs publicado su opus. Tambièn tenemos la desgracia de contar con seudoeditores quienes al no conocer verdaderamente de literatura se convierten en mercenarios de la imprenta solo para llenarse ellos mismo de dinero y fama a costillas de los escritores. Todos aquellos que deseen participar en este blog, denlo de antemano por suyo. Aunque lleve mi nombre en un arranque de egolatrìa, yo soy sencillamente vuestra servidora.Cecilia

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viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008

Reality versus tale

October 29,th 67th entry to the Colonel`s Scrapbook
1875 Marie queen consort of Ferdinand I of Romania (1914-27),what a raunchy lady she was with her Stirbo1882 Jean Giraudoux Bellac France, playwright (glantine, Provinciales) wonderful reads1884 Bela Lugosi horror actor (Dracula, Body Snatcher), looks like a friend >I had in Canada before the chap ate breakfast
1912 Salvador Cardenal, foremost Nicaraguan musicologist,my adored teacher
Deaths which occurred on October 29:
1618 Sir Walter Raleigh is executed in London, so being gallant never pays your way except to hell 1885 George B McClellan Union army general, dies at 58, a great military name 1901 Leon Czolcosz assassin of President McKinley, is executed on the electric chair,sure got fried while Edison watched 1911 Joseph Pulitzer American newspaperman, dies in Charleston, SC, he was the one to whom we owe the platform for the Statue of Liberty,monument which was initially disliked by the Americans and even called “The French Whore” when they got it as a gift from France
Birthdates October 30:
1735 John Adams Braintree, Mass (F) 2nd pres (1797-1801)was so patriotic,he even died on a 4th of July 1821 Feodor Mikhailovich Dostoevski Russian novelist & short-story writer, the advocate for the poor and miserable,epileptic,lieutenant and almost executed
1871 Paul Valery France, poet/essayist/critic (La Jeune)he is more famous for having Picasso steal off his wife Gala than for anything he wrote 1873 Francisco Madero Mexico, revolutionary, president (1911-13), knocked on wood for him1885 Ezra Pound Hailey, Idaho, poet (Cantos)a bit too bigoted for my taste
1270 8th & last crusade is launched, last of follies in the name of a god nobody is 600 per went sure it exists
Birthdates on October 31:
1632 Jan Vermeer ,Dutch painter (Procuress, The Astronomer,Girl with the Pearl Earring) , poor guy,his marital life was a mess justover a lost pearl earring that reappeared on a painting1795 John Keats London, England, romantic poet (Ode to a Grecian Urn),he was only 25 when he kicked the bucket,TB took him
1887 Chiang Kai-shek Chekiang Province, China, pres of Nationalist China),this ugly and selfish guy had the temerity to offer General MacArthur unlimited power if both,after the Korean War,went to kick the shit out of Mao Tse Tung, no wonder old Comrade Mao would laugh at him until piss ran down his pants and his stomach hurt!
Deaths which occurred on October 31:1865 William Parson 3rd Earl of Rosse & maker of large telescopes, dies ,what would he have seen these days, Internet Sattelites?1918 Count Stephen Tisza Hungarian Prime Minister assassinated by soldiers, wow they always turn on you1926 Erich Weiss better known as magician Harry Houdini, dies in Detroit, only death could have caught him
1984 Indira Gandhi PM of India assassinated by 2 of her Sikh bodyguards while getting out of the car, and she nearly killed me because I cried a whole San Juan River over her and got very sick


While all thos countries where there was Irish influence celebrate their Halloween, like USA, Canada,Australia and others, I wonder to myself if reality isn`t a perpetual spook show. Here in Nicaragua,we have always been considered a backyard for gringos,as we affectionately or pejoratively call Americans here. So our desperate merchants,eager to please and sell, decorate their windows with pumpkins, black cats,spiders,witches, jackò`lanterns and all the witchy memorabilia they can dish out. It is not our custom. No thanks. Halloween is Celtic,not even American, because USA a the melting pot it is, has no culture of their own but is a ragbag of all the inmigrants who came to seek for the American dream and got themselves a long-term nightmare. Halloween comes from the Druids,the original Irish before Saint Patrick had the hell of an idea of making them convert to Christianity. Hall of weens is the eve of dead souls,and witches were used as live telephones to bring down those spirits to chat with them for a while. More or less what we do in internet,only we do it with live people, right dearest of all readers? So the witches had a busy night on a night like tonight, god loaded with requests and coins. Good business. Like when I have several placement tests to make at different enterprises when bosses want to know if who they hired really has an inkling of what to do in English.
I don`t like Halloween,although I have used it as materials for my short stories. My dad used to say that as a kid I looked klike a jackò`lantern,big rabbit teeth and shining eyes, round faced little hellion. I have the ahuizotes or black spooks from Masaya, shadow black ghosts who come to grab you when dead points at you. Like in Ghost with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze when he was still delicious. They have glowing embers for eyes, they are like psychopomps to guide you to hell. Sounds romantic,for I wouldn`t like to go to hell alone and without my shadow. I have my high heeled floozie, a Spanish party girl in times of the province, not the republic, of Nicaragua. She wore high heels and danced a lot until the angry wife of her lover stabbed her in the belly,spilling her guts out in the middle of the dance floor. I also have the Witch Monkey Teodora, from Leòn-our second largest city in Nicaragua. Teodora was originally a very sexy married lady who loved to play around because her husband was boring,so every night she would wait until he slept, put a broom next to him to take her place, sing a demonic chant,go to the back yard,strip under a tamarind tree, then moan to herself so her human flesh slipped off her bones and then she became a black to roam and pick up guys. One day,her husband didn’t quite take the spell well enough,and he woke at midnight seeking for his wife.He found a huge pan of meat lying in the yard,and believing it was the meat for a succulent dish to be prepared,he salted it and thus broke his wife`s pact with the devil.When Theo came back from her fun,she stepped into the pile of salted meat and reversed her incantation but the salt had broken the spell and she was left in the shape of a nice monkey which up till now roams the roofs of Leòn.Her husbnd was a bit sad at the beginning,but then he found himself another wife,a faithful one this time. I don`t need jackò`lanterns, lovely, I have the Wailer, who according to legend was a well born Spanish girl who fell in love with a married indigenous chieftain.After they had their fun,she became pregnant but her dad ordered her to get rid of the baby as not to shame the family`s good name(which obviously lay between her legs). The poor girl went to the Chiquito River and threw her baby there to drown, but then she regretted tat and jumped into the water.It was too late,the baby was downstream and she died too.Her wails for her baby are still heard on moonlit nights,the old Leonese townsfolk say. Who needs a sad bat when I have the Nahua cart,with squared wheels and death riding shotgun,driving ghost oxen, and all kinds of spooks laughing?This cart cannot turn at corners,and continues it lugubrious,straight and macabre trip down the city at midnight.
I will never cry for trick or treat. I have the long haired spook,our Cegua, a sexy woman who has long hair,dresses in black and chases men who are out philandering, having sex with them and then returning them to their wives completely stupid. More than they were originally,which is to say a lot. What about my lovely pair of hoofies,the black and the white?Since here we are as racists as in the Deep South of USA, the white hoofy protects those who work on the night shift,the secutrity guards,workers of the exploited free zone where those Koreans and Taiwanese come to bleed our workers dry without having to pay taxes. The hoofy looks like the Taco Bell dog(the one Adam Sandler ran over,what a sadistic sob), a Chihuahua like my dad`s Le Perro who died leving him with a bleedingheart for weeks on end. The white one is good. The black one chases all those who go to partouzes,orgies and burglaring sprees.
Halloween and fright.Reality more often creates worse stories than any a horror writer like E.A,Poe,Lovecraft,Iran Levin or even Stephen King,and not leaving myself behind,can create. It was on Halloween that my favourite stateswoman was killed,Indira Gandhi. I was capturing a pirate signal of CNN in 1984 when thwere appeared the news.First that she was shot. Then that she had died. Automatically, a pain on my chest settled in. My eyes started raining. Yes,dearest.raining. WEhere does the love go when someone you cherish dies? Because I loved her. I met her at a sales in a huge department store in Paris in the early 80s..I was with my uncle Silvio buying jeans,when he spotted her.A nice housewife with covered hair,perusing some silk stockings. Silvio shyly walked up to her,and after she told him he was one of the handsomest men she had ever met, she asked me to come forward.She at first thought I was Indian,too. Those 16 minutes in which I spoke to her, enjoying how she mentioned by adored bards Ruben Darìo and salomòn de la Selva,even reciting Selva`s The Bullet, are to live forever in me. Love at first sight,maybe not in sexual context, does exist and it happened to me with Indira. What a nightmare for me to imagine her dismay at seeing her bodyguard fire at her. My imagination has been a blessing many times,but in the case of Indira`s magnicide,it played awful tricks on me, almost leading me to hell fire. No wonder I caught the worst malaria possible,and ended up weighing 98 pounds by the end of November. That was spookiest and more scary than any Halloween nightmare anyone could imagine. Still to this day,I remember Indira and how she was killed. I hated the sight of George Bush sr,then vicepresident of USA,hypocritically saying how he regretted her passing. To close this with a note of fright, a huge black moth loomed over me and sent me screaming.Then we say fear is basic but not stifling, amd specially on a Halloween night.

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